First Westborough Education Tech Fund Project Exceeds Goals

WETF PRESS RELEASE  | For Immediate ReleaseFirst Westborough Education Tech Fund Project Exceeds GoalsWestborough, MA - WETF, the Westborough Education Tech Fund ( exceeded its goals for its first ever fundraising project, providing iPads and apps for the Armstrong school’s second grade class (click here to learn about this project). With a unique application of crowdfunding, WETF raised over $3,000 from ...

WPS is Awarded a 220 Thousand Dollar Technology Grant

Written by Dr. Daniel Mayer | Assistant Superintendent in the Westborough Public SchoolsWestborough Public Schools is Awarded a $220,000 School Technology GrantIn December 2014 the state announced that Westborough won a $220,000 school technology grant.  While 99 districts applied to this new source of state funding, Westborough was 1 of only 14 districts to win a grant. This project will help the Westborough Public ...

WPS School Committee Fall 2014 Technology Report

Written by Jonathan Green | Director of Technology for Westborough Public Schools Executive Summary Throughout the Westborough schools students and teachers are using technology in innovative and creative ways that improve student learning, and there is widespread interest among teachers in increasing classroom technology use. Teachers and curriculum leaders are frustrated by the many opportunities that can’t be realized because there are not enough ...