Requested by 1st Grade Teaching staff | Armstrong Elementary School | Vetted by WETF and WPS
Help the 1st Grade at Armstrong Elementary School to Implement an Exciting New Educational Tool Called OSMO into the Classroom and Curriculum.
The Teachers of Armstrong’s 1st Grade are very excited to help excelerate, tailor and focus the kids into a new type of learning made possible by a revolutionary new educational tool called OSMO. OSMO connects to a standard iPad and becomes the first virtual tool to allow kids to interact with the physical world instead of just the screen while learning. It has 4 educational games on it that tailor themselves to the abilities of the students using them, allowing for appropriate individualized learning for each and every child who touches it. It allows children to work individually and in teams in competition and collaboratively. It focus’ on spelling, basic math, shapes and geometric spacial reasoning.
The 1st grade is an essential time in a childs education especially in learning to read, write, spell and understand math concepts. The 1st Grade teachers all have seen and touched the OSMO learning tool and are both excited and very anxious to have success as soon as possible with this campaign. They would like to implement it into this years 1st grade classes as soon as possible.
OSMO will immediately affect your 1st graders’ learning experience and we hope you see the benefits of supporting this campaign today. Help us to further enhance our already wonderful educational environment for the 1st grade students at Armstrong Elementary. WETF (in conjunction with the Westborough Public Schools) allows us the unique opportunity to request funds for approved projects to extend beyond the budget. One of the major goals of WETF and WPS is to celebrate and nurture teachers that strive to better their students and themselves using the power of technology that is properly implemented into the education environment. By “crowd-sourcing” these requests to a small group we can divide the cost such that each individual donation is small and the results directly impact the donors themselves.
We ask that you consider making a donation.
To help convince you please watch the following video.
“The first grade teachers are very excited for the opportunity to use Osmos and iPads to provide fun, hands-on learning experiences for students. After whole class or small group instruction, students will be able to participate in activities that reinforce skills in math, phonics, and language arts. We can’t wait to get our hands on this new product!”Rachel Abrahams – 1st Grade Teacher – Armstrong
Help us make this happen for the Armstrong 1st Grade Westborough students.
4 OSMO Genius Kits: $129.95 x 4= $519.80
4 iPad’s: $479.00 x 4= $2,016 with $100 for Apps.
Total $ 2,535.80
By clicking on the “Donate” button below you are also agreeing to our Donation Acceptance Policy and Privacy Policy. Thank you for helping WETF fund important technology initiatives for the Westborough Public Schools through your donation.
THIS CAMPAIGN IS DONE- Completed February 15, 2016.